

A Susumu Hirasawa's fan blog. Unofficial translation of song lyrics, twitter and other materials. Feel free to link to these translations or repost with proper credit. But please don't claim them as your own. If you have any questions, contact me at twitter @lucy1205.

How to make "Sally at the Fire" (Excerpt)

How to make "Sally at the Fire" (Excerpt): Ashu-on TV Vol.18

Susumu Hirasawa:It's been a long time, folks. I am Hirasawa, in Ashu-on TV. This program is titled "How to make 'Sally at the Fire' ".   The song is included in the album "The Man Climbing the Hologram".  I will explain to you how the song was made and how it was structured, breaking it up to individual tracks.
       As I mentioned it before in the twitter, "Sally at the Fire" includes more than 30 guitar tracks.  But the finished song sounds very simple.  Does it seem easy to make it?  Yes, it's easy.  
       I overdubbed a lot of small simple phrases to make the entire structure of the song, so it is a simple work, but at the same time, it has a complicated structure because it had to undergo a number of processes. 
       However, if you apply this method to your own song making, you can overdub a lot of simple phrases you can play on your instrument even if you are not an accomplished player.  In this method, when you have a finished song, you have already done with the arrangement, too. So it's a useful method.  You might want to try it yourselves.      
        Well, first, I will play each guitar track consisting the several different parts of the song in order. 

(SH plays and explains about each track in the different parts of the song on the computer.)

       Actually, I adopted the same method when I did a live streaming show for the Gazio event a few years ago (May, 2014), when I did a solo music performance, dubbing several different guitar phrases.  In that performance, I dubbed several dozens of guitar phrases again and again and when I had the finished music, I sang to it.   
       I said I would release the recording of the show on Ashu-on TV later, but actually, the movie was recorded only with the picture without the music. That was a funny story.
       For that reason, I had to do the same thing for Ahu-on TV.  So this time, I released this video titled "How to make 'Sally at the Fire' " and showed and explained you how I made the song "Sally at the Fire".  So much for today.  It's goodbye from me.  (End)





Frizzle (Lucy)