

A Susumu Hirasawa's fan blog. Unofficial translation of song lyrics, twitter and other materials. Feel free to link to these translations or repost with proper credit. But please don't claim them as your own. If you have any questions, contact me at twitter @lucy1205.

Summary in English of Susumu Hirasawa's Back Space Pass on the additional concert at Toyosu Tokyo, Jan 2019

Summary in English of Susumu Hirasawa's Back Space Pass on the additional concert at Toyosu Tokyo, Jan 2019

(This program was streamed live on Youtube on April 27, 2019)

  • The recorded program is archived at:


Summary in English


Preamble】【How to ask questions

The movie of two White Ejin walking in a botanical garden hand in hand.

Hirasawa explained the topics of the streaming program:

Hirasawa’s Golden 10-year Cycle

About Ejin

Questions may be asked if there is time later in the program

The Golden 10-year Cycle

The years with the number 9 always brought Hirasawa a change in the directions in his music career, a path to a new genre for sure, and the first such year started in 1979.


P-MODEL made a debut. It happened accidentally when Hirasawa met an important personnel from a record company who was sitting on his guitar amplifier being fixed at a music shop by chance.


There was a rearrangement of personnel. Some staff and band members left. Hirasawa made a debut as a solo musician, which was realized by meeting another important person.


There was a rearrangement of personnel in a way, which was leaving the major record label and establishing Hirasawa’s own label, Chaos Union. Hirasawa started releasing music in MP-3 on the internet, which had been done by no musicians in Japan.


Hirasawa started twittering. His followers have increased drastically since then. Now he has more than 140,000 twitter followers in April, 2019.

2019: Working with Ejin and Planning to Perform in Fuji Rock

There was another rearrangement of personnel. Hirasawa worked with Ejin through 2018 and the early 2019. Ejin wanted to perform at Fuji Rock Festival and Hirasawa agreed to join them. They will play Hirasawa solo songs as well as new songs for Ejin in new arrangement especially prepared for the occasion.


In addition to Hirasawa and Ejin, a musician called Han-Ejin[Anti-Ejin] may join Fuji Rock Festval performance, which has been suggested by Ejin.

Ejin don’t exist in reality, but they exist in one’s unconscious level of mind. Hirasawa went to Kashi-kai[Visible Sea], where everything in one’s mind is visualized, to see Ejin, as it was explained in the movie from Memorial Package Card sold at the additional concert of Kai=Kai at Toyosu, Tokyo, in January, 2019.


A part of the movie from the Memorial Package Card from the additional concert of Kai=Kai at Toyosu, Tokyo

Hirasawa will work with Ejin in the early years of the next 10 years and he looks forward to it.

What Kai=Kai(=) Means

The concept of Kai=Kai(=) started from its visual image. It consists with Chinese characters, . It is also a mathematical formula. (kai) means an individual that rotates itself interacting with outer surroundings and exists. It can be considered as a person. The formula Kai=Kai(=) means that the first kai() went through some kind of processing, and you have the same Kai() on the right as a result. This is a situation in which something/someone exists normally.


However, there are situations that are explained as Kai=False Kai(=偽回). That happens when something inappropriate interferes with the normal processing of Kai(), and you get a False Kai(偽回). Actually, it is happening a lot in our world every day. A lot of people spend their lives being false Kai, without asking questions because it is easier for them.


Kai=Kai(=) also represents the imaginary marks on your cheeks when you are slapped on them by yourselves to be reminded that you are not living as normal Kai=Kai(=).


So it has a very important meaning, and that’s why I made the LED monitor especially made into 回=回 shape installed on the stage this time, spending a lot of expense on it.

Questions and Answers

What is the most interesting book among the books you recently read?

I cannot remember one instantly, one of the reasons why is I haven’t got strong impressions from books since I started reading digital books.

what is your favorite food?

I like a kind of vegan cheese in cherry blossom flavor.

How long have you used the eye-glass you are wearing tonight?

I made this pair about a year ago, because I had to have a new pair suited for my present eyesight.

Will we be able to see the movie you recorded on the Gopro camera installed on a stick which you were swinging around on the stage at Toyosu?

Yes, it will be included in the DVD of Kai=Kai concerts.

A P-shape light was lit on the stage. Did it have any meaning?

No, it didn’t have any meaning.

What did you think about the comments and the actions by the Horse Bones and Non-Horse Bones after you announced that you would perform at Fuji Rock?

In the past, rock festivals were held for special purposes, such as to unite people, to promote a special message, sometimes political, and so on. But at present rock festivals just mean fun outdoor party-like events in which everybody can enjoy as well as camping at the venue. And I am not interested in what people think and feel about my performance there.

What happened to your guitar album that you were going to release this year?

I will work on it as soon as Fuji Rock is over. I hope to complete it within 2019. Also, there will be other event after that, which I cannot disclose right now, one of which would surprise you a lot.

Do you think humans are as smart as animals? Can humans understand animals’ cleverness?

I don’t think humans are smarter than animals. Humans can calculate, comment, judge, predict, and so on. On the other hand, animals know what to eat and what to do when they are sick. Also they can tell what is edible or not.  

What are you going to do during the 10-day vacation? [Notes: Japan has a continuous 10-day vacation starting from April 27 through May 6, 2019, because of the new emperor’s having a new throne on May 1, which is a special holiday this year.]

I am working as usual.

What do you think about the difference between the music composed by AI and the music composed by people?

People can compose music by going against the rules of music composition on purpose, which AI cannot at present. But it is possible for AI to create good music, too.

The Ending Greeting

*Japanese script:





Frizzle (Lucy)