

A Susumu Hirasawa's fan blog. Unofficial translation of song lyrics, twitter and other materials. Feel free to link to these translations or repost with proper credit. But please don't claim them as your own. If you have any questions, contact me at twitter @lucy1205.

Susumu Hirasawa's Back Space Pass on the additional concert at Toyosu Tokyo, Jan 2019: page2/2

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What Kai=Kai(=) Means


That’s about it on “The Golden 10-Year Cycle” and on Ejin. Now, I am going to talk about what “Kai=Kai[回=回]” means, which I promised I would explain in the last Back Space Pass. However, as I mentioned many times, I wouldn’t create music if I could explain it verbally. So, I will explain it now, but it is like “Here is the verbal explanation of ‘Kai=Kai’, which is impossible to do in fact, but I’ve forced myself to do it”. And if I try to explain it thoroughly, being too precise, I am afraid the original image of it would be destroyed, or it would be interpreted only as a narrow sense. So, it is very difficult. But I will try to talk about it, wishing that I won’t ruin the original message and image of ‘Kai=Kai/回=回’ which is a visual image in the first place.    


Firstly, “Kai=Kai/回=回” started as a visual image of its shape originally. There are two same geometric characters “/kai” placed on the both sides of “=”. They look like geometric shapes at first, but at the same time, the character “/kai” is a Chinese character having a meaning, which gives a strong impact, too. Before going into the discussion here, if you are not interested in or don’t like the forced verbal explanation of something that cannot be explained verbally actually, it’s okay not to listen to it. If you are one of them, please just keep having the image of “回=回”, ”input=output” and the question, “what does having the same thing as input and output mean?”. Please just browse this discussion of mine, not thinking about it so seriously.  



Now, the character “/kai” is a “solid being that circulates itself”. A unique being which is like a circle, having thoughts, metabolism and its body with a constant interaction with outer world. It is a unique matter that is independent, but is also something that exists by circulating something inside and having interaction with the world outside. I use this character meaning human/person in a sense.

回=回/Kai=Kai”, having the meaning that the first /kai is the input and the last /kai is the output, implicates that some kind of processing has been done before getting the latter /kai as a result. It means that you get the latter /kai after giving a processing to the first /kai. If you apply it to the example of Hirasawa as a unique being, you input Hirasawa and you get Hirasawa as a result after giving it a certain processing, which happens when that unique being has a healthy internal processing and a healthy interaction of its body with outer world. In that case, the processing that has been done is also “Hirasawa”. [The processing that is called Hirasawa.] You get Hirasawa, after giving Hirasawa a processing called Hirasawa. It is an ordinary and healthy way for a thing/person as a unique being to exist.    



On the other hand, there are opposite kind of people who look like being a “False Kai(偽回/nise kai). I see lot of cases like that . They are “fake Kai(偽りの回/itsuwari no kai). It indicates that the unique being, /kai, is unhealthy inside. That is to say, you are getting an inappropriate result on the other side of the mathematical formula that represents how its thoughts and its metabolism are, and how the circulating interaction between its whole body and the outer world is. See? I am talking about something complicated, right? Like I said before this topic, please skip listening to it if you are not interested. You can regard this like “Hirasawa is talking about a mumbo jumbo again”. So, what was I talking about?   


So, you are getting an inappropriate result on the other side of the mathematical formula after the processing. That processing is something interferes with the original unique being. That kind of interfering processing is developed by the people who don’t approve the existence of endless variety in people’s uniqueness. Most of you have gone through the “回=偽回/Kai=False Kai” processing, and you are being a “偽回/nise kai/false Kai”. And the processing has been established in a very skillful manner by the system to make you think you have chosen the course of action and made decisions on your own. However, some of you may discover the paradox in such a system, which will lead you to discover more problems one after another, but it is, in most cases, too late for you to fix the problems. You cannot go back to your original, healthy, unique being unless you abandon all your view of the world, the concept of values, and habit that you have acquired over many years, which would be very difficult to break. So, most people pretend to ignore the fact they have discovered and try to live as a “偽回/nise Kai/fase Kai” like they have lived so far because that way of living is easier with no conflicts with the world they live in. That’s how the system works.


So, I came up with the simple visual design of “回=回/Kai=Kai” having a big impact, meaning that these characters represent the bruises on your cheeks that you have asked someone to slap on both sides to be reminded that you are being lazy, taking the easier and false way of life. So, the /kai character on the right side is the bruise on your right cheek, and the /kai on the left is the bruise on your left cheek. So, please remember the meaning of the “回=回/Kai=Kai” symbol like this, which is a silly metaphor.

Eh, so, I have tried not to cut into the real heart of the problem, and not to ruin your own interpretation of it. This much is what I can say. So, please interpret the reason why I had such a large, expensive, odd-shaped LED light monitor especially made and installed on the back of the stage, and why it comes into your eye whether you try to see it or not. After that, please think for yourselves. Thank you for listening to such a complicated theory.


Then again, Hirasawa is a complicated man like this. Likewise, Hirasawa’s works are also complicated. I made the previous short movie of Ejin, which showed the distorted images of them in the unconscious state of mind, representing the remark, “Don’t say Ejin are cute or something”. Also, I wanted to say, “If you treat Hirasawa as something like an idol, you will have a troublesome discussion later”. That is one of the reasons I talked about the meaning of “回=回/Kai=Kai” which is a complicated discussion, not receiving the questions from you like “What is your favorite food?”, ”What was your favorite subject at school?” and so on this time.  

Questions and Answers


Though I didn't plan to have a Q and A time, I have 20 minutes left. I actually had more in detail explanation on the meaning of “回=回/Kai=Kai“, but I tried not to go into that again and again, and made a simpler explanation like the one I have just did. Now that I have 20 minutes left, I will receive questions from you, which will be a little complicated. I will pick up some questions from your tweets with the hashtag: #平沢進のBSP [pronounced, # Hirasawa Susumu no BSP,  meaning, Susumu Hirasawa's BSP], and I will answer to the questions I think are interesting. Wow, the timeline is flowing so fast. I can't find any questions. Are you afraid of posting your questions because you think “Am I going to get a bad comment by Hirasawa if I ask this stupid question?“ or something?


“Did you find any interesting books among the ones you read recently?“

Eh, what kind of books did I read recently? Did I find any interesting books? I started reading digital books, and I find I get less strong impressions from them than physical books. 

And one of the reasons why they don't leave strong impression is that many recent books have the contents being worth of three pages watered down to a whole book, of course. Anyway, I don't remember any book with a strong impression right now like I used to .


Now, I have received a question, “What is your favorite food?“

I have many kinds of food I like recently. In the past, I hated all food, but now, I feel a lot of foods are delicious. 

The food too delicious for me is a kind of vegan cheese. There are many kinds of vegan cheese, from the kinds available at local supermarkets to the kinds very expensive and have been fermented properly. The kind called “Sakura/cherry blossoms“ manufactured by the brand “Choice“ is damn good. I can eat one package of it in two days, which costs 2000 yen. I could eat it so fast because it was given to ne as a gift.

That is the food that could trigger a decadent eating habit. I eat only a little of it, though. So, to summarize, my recent favorite food is a kind of vegan cheese.


The next question is “How long have you had the eyeglasses you are wearing now?“

I bought them recently. The pair I had used for a long time didn't match my eyesight any more, so I had them made about a year ago. I requested the shape of the lenses to be exactly the same as the old ones, but I chose the frame in the closest possible shape because the same frame was not available.


 “Can we see the movie from the Gopro camera you were swinging at the additional show [in Tokyosu, Tokyo,] in a DVD or something later?”

Yes, you will see it. In the previous show, I broke the camera lens, hitting it against the microphone stand, but I had it fixed, and I was swinging the fixed one at the additional show [in January]. I have confirmed the movie has been taped with no problem. It will be included in the “=/Kai=Kai” DVD to be released later.


The next question. “I saw the P-shaped light was lit behind you… [but what did it mean?]”

That was done by the lighting staff. They asked me, “Mr. Hirasawa, can I display a big P-shaped light behind you?” at the last minute before the show because they said they had to do it to fill the time for some reason. So, I remember I said, “Yes, you can.” It didn’t mean anything important. It was done by the lighting staff for their reason.   


[ 48:08 -50:46]

The next question. Wow, I still have 10 minutes left.

“What do you think about the reaction by the Horse Bones and non-Horse Bones after you announced you would perform at Fuji Rock Festival?”

First, I have to say I acknowledge that rock festivals at present are totally different from what they used to be in the past. In the past, rock musicians would have some opinions to share with the audience at rock festivals, communicating with them. They performed to confirm a direction they should take in the generation they were in, including political allegations, messages about inner conflicts in human life and how to live a better life, and so on.

However, rock festivals nowadays don’t have any mottos or messages like that any more. Most of the attendees attending rock festivals even say, “Don’t discuss politics at rock festivals”, and they come just to have fun in the festival outdoors with the music played, where they can camp. Some people who are not so into music could attend one to have fun, ending up getting more interested in music. Some people attend one because they like a big fun event outdoors rather than they are into music. So, I am not very concerned with what kind of reaction I would get from the audience. I will just play what I want to play on the stage. I don’t want to say “A rock festival should be like this” or “I wish a rock festival would be like that” or anything. It is impossible for me to control what a rock festival should be like, so I won’t make a comment on it.  



Eh, the next question. Oops. I was looking at a question from the same person as before. Let me skip it.

Ah. “What about the guitar album?”

You have probably guessed from my discussion so far today. As you know, I planned to release a guitar album and I started to compose songs. However, the plan to perform at Fuji Rock Festival and other random offers came. I believe “These unexpected events are more important than the planned ones in the beginning of the Golden 10-Year Cycle.” So, I have decided to prioritize Fuji Rock Festival to the guitar album. The composing of the guitar album is postponed. After Fuji Rock Festival is over, I will resume creating the guitar album. Also, there will be other events after Fuji Rock, which I cannot disclose yet, including one that would make you surprised and say, “Oh my goodness!”, but I cannot spoil it now. What I can say is I will record a guitar album, which I want to release by the end of 2019.


Eh, the next question. “Do you think humans are smart enough to understand how wise other animals are?”

The question is what the standard of smartness is. Humans have developed the sense of self and consciousness, and we are good at calculating, making comments, making judgements, predicting something, and so on. But animals, for example, I have seen it with my cats, knows what to do when they are sick. One of my cats started to eat her toilet sand when she had fever. She knew that the sand had minerals she needed. That kind of behavior cannot be done by humans. Also, it is said, “You can learn that what animals won’t eat is not edible.” They know something is poisonous or not. If you think having the sense of self and consciousness is more superior than not having those things, humans are thought to be smarter than animals. But I don’t think that way. I am a man who sang in my song, “I want to be a disciple of an insect.” So, I don’t believe having the sense of self cannot be a standard of how one is smart.  


Eh, Is the hashtag for this program is in the ranking of Twitter Trending Hashtags again today?

“What are you going to do during the upcoming 10-day vacation?”

I will work as usual.

[Notes: Japan had a special continuous 10-day vacation at most businesses and companies from April 27 through May 6 because the country had special holidays on April 30, May 1 and 2, 2019 because of the Emperor’s accession to the throne, in addition to the regular holidays on April 29, May 3 to 5, plus Saturdays and Sundays.]


Well, I still have four minutes left.

The next question is “What are your concert plans after Fuji Rock Festival?”

There will be concerts! I cannot disclose the detail information yet, but there will be. There is an event that has been scheduled since a very long time ago, plus some other ones that have been offered to me in a short time. As I explained a while ago, I am in the beginning period of “The Golden 10-Year Cycle”, so I think I will accept any offers I receive, even when they would make me postpone my plans or change my policies that I have kept for many years.


Oh, this question is interesting.

“What do you think about the relationship between the music automatically made by an AI and the music made by human composers and lyrics writers?”

Firstly, an AI can only compose music unless it is programmed to start the job. And it will do the composing job as it is programmed.


On the other hand, a human composer, I understand the composing process well because I am a composer myself, will not always follow the rules of composing music,  because he/she would change the tendency of the tune or omit a part of the tune because of a small reason. He/she would compose music on the motto of breaking the composition rules, making his/her spirit alive. That kind of music cannot be created by an AI yet.


If you want an AI to work in a different way from an ordinary one, you would have to teach when a human follows the ordinary rule and when he/she would break them and according to what scales. An AI has to have itself learn how such random choices happen before being able to compose like that.


However, I don’t think all the tunes created by an AI would be trashes, though. I think a lot of music could be replaced by music made by an AI. Those kinds of music could give no sense of discomfort because no humans have interfered with the composition. It is probably similar to the fact that a car with automatic driving system would cause less traffic accidents than human drivers.


Now, next.

Oh, the time is up.

So, my upcoming plan is to prepare for Fuji Rock Festival, to find the Han-Ejin[Anti-Ejin] to take to Fuji Rock before the event.

Everybody, please support me, Susumu Hirasawa, in the future as always.

Now, today’s freezing cold BSP is over. See you later!

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Frizzle (Lucy)