

A Susumu Hirasawa's fan blog. Unofficial translation of song lyrics, twitter and other materials. Feel free to link to these translations or repost with proper credit. But please don't claim them as your own. If you have any questions, contact me at twitter @lucy1205.

Ticket Selling/Exchanging Bulletin Board for Ninth Mandala Tokyo for GN Members

The Bulletin Board for Selling/Exchanging Tickets for Green Nerve Members for the Ninth Mandala Tokyo Shows 
(Translation in English. The real page is on Susumu Hirasawa web site.)
The official page in Susumu Hirasawa web site:
We have opened the special page for
Ticket Selling/Exchanging for Green Nerve members.
●How to enter the page
1: Log in to GN(Green Nerve) members' page
2: Click the "チケット譲渡・掲示板"(Bulletin Board for selling tickets) link in the "TICKET - ライブチケット"(Ticket - Live Tickets) menu.
※If you don't have a GN membership account yet, please apply for one.
See: 「ご利用方法」(How to use this page)
※Your name appears on the Bulletin Board will be the "nickname" you have submitted in your membership info page.
This information has also been sent to the mail magazine subscribers.
Please read it, too.

The Bulletin Board for Selling/Exchanging the Tickets for the Ninth Mandala Tokyo Shows
The official page in Susumu Hirasawa web site:
This bulletin board is exclusive for Green Nerve members who have the valid membership at present.
This is a bulletin board for Green Nerve members who want to sell or exchange their tickets with different dates as well as the members who want to buy those tickets.
 ・After a deal of selling/exchanging tickets is done between two people, one of them has to post a message "The deal is done." on this bulletin board. (That thread will be deleted by the staff.)
 ・If any kind of problem occurs between the members concerning the exchange/selling the tickets through this bulletin board, Chaos Union and Green Nerve are not held responsible for solving the problem or mediating the two parties.
 ・Once a deal is done, you don't need to contact Green Nerve or Next Road Productions, besides posting the "The deal is done" message on your thread.
 ・You may not start a thread with "A ticket(tickets) wanted" message. A thread can be started by a member who can post "I want to sell/exchange tickets" who already has a ticket(tickets).  (A member who wants a ticket[tickets] may only post a reply to a thread.)
 ・If you sell a ticket, the price you receive should not exceed the total of the original price of the ticket plus the shipping fee.
 Note that the pre-ordered tickets will be sent to the GN members who originally ordered them by Next Road Productions in the middle of September. Next Road Productions will NOT send the tickets to those who bought them from someone through this bulletin board.
 ・Do not post your real name, your address, your phone number or other contact number on this bulletin board. If you need to exchange your contacts to each other, please use a method like a temporal ID in a Social Networking Service or temporal email address and so on.
 ・A thread with a done deal will be deleted.





Frizzle (Lucy)