

A Susumu Hirasawa's fan blog. Unofficial translation of song lyrics, twitter and other materials. Feel free to link to these translations or repost with proper credit. But please don't claim them as your own. If you have any questions, contact me at twitter @lucy1205.

Ethical Trek 2K20 shows in Osaka: Emcee by Susumu Hirasawa/会然TREK 2K20 ライブ:平沢進のMC

Ethical Trek 2K20 shows in Osaka: Emcee by Susumu Hirasawa
2020年2月22日/February 22, 2020
平沢進: えー、この度ですね、会人がマイナー...アップグレード致しまして、新しい顔になりましたので、紹介致します。

2020年2月22日/February 22, 2020
(Translation in English)
Susumu Hirasawa: Eh...This time, Ejin have made a minor...I mean, upgraded to have the heads in a new style. Let me introduce them. Eh, firstly, this is Ejin called, eh... 9331754...7543! Ejin 93317543(kyuu san san ichi nana go yon san). Eh, the bar code he has is the correct one, and if you read it with a bar code reader, it will show the number 93317543.
Eh...and the other Ejin, 66594428(roku roku go kyuu yon yon ni hachi)! His name is 6659...4428. Six...eh, this one....(half smiling), 933175... I mean never mind, 7543 and 6659...4428. Eh, please remember both of them and I hope you support them like you did for the previous ones.
Eh, now let us play the next song. (Has a sip of water.)

2020年2月23日/February 23, 2020
平沢進: えー、昨日は会人のこちら側(下手の66594428さん側)がそこから(手で下手のステージの縁を指しながら)転落致しまして、えー、でも幸い怪我は無く、お蔭さまにも怪我は無かったようで、無事に本日元気に勤めて頂きました。

2020年2月23日/February 23, 2020
(Translation in English)
Susumu Hirasawa: Eh, yesterday, this Ejin (66594428 at the stage right) fell from there(pointing at the rim of the stage right). Eh, but he wasn't injured fortunately, thank God, and he performed with no problem today.
But he had his face coming off when he was in the backstage a little while ago, which was a big accident, and he is being fixed with glue right now. I mean, now, firstly, I am sure you want to see that he is okay, so let me call the two Ejin.
Firstly, Ejin 66594428! (Ejin 66594428 came out of the tent to the platform on the stage right, running. The big applause and laughing by the audience.) Eh, when he came running just now, I was worried (The audience laugh) that something bad might happen again...
Eh, now, the other Ejin, 9...331...754......3! (The audience laugh.)
Eh, this is Ejin 93317543(kyuu san san ichi nana go yon san). They will have a good transition to the encore as usual. Now, let me play the next song with these two Ejin. Are you ready?





Frizzle (Lucy)