A Susumu Hirasawa's fan blog. Unofficial translation of song lyrics, twitter and other materials. Feel free to link to these translations or repost with proper credit. But please don't claim them as your own. If you have any questions, contact me at twitter @lucy1205.
(Translation in English)
0: Background music before the show: I'm Bugged by XTC [00:00-02:19]
Susumu Hirasawa: Hello, We are Mandrake.
1: 飾り窓の出来事/Kazari-mado no Dekigoto (Happening by the Windowsill) [02:19-04:55] Instrumental
Susumu Hirasawa: Hi. We are Mandrake. Good afternoon. It's been two months since our last gig. I'm happy to see more audience than usual today. For a change, we did the first song cheerfully today. Usually, we would play contemporary music and start our gig darkly. Today, we started like this. Not like usual. And I am trying to speak in a different way today. Some people criticized us and called us a negative band or something, so, we have reflected on ourselves and changed it.
Next song will be played because we want to do simple and clear songs first. The preparation on the keyboard is really hard again. Now, my speech has started to sound like mumbling. I will say my words out loud. I am even ready for a fight. The next song is called "Yoru ni Nattara(When the Night Comes*)". It was made simple and clear. We made it like that on purpose. (To the sound engineer,) Hey, could you make the vocals' reverb, I mean, the echo stronger? Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah. The feedback is a little too strong. A little smaller. Could you make the feedback a little smaller? Ah, Ah. OK, this is a song called "Yoru ni Nattara(When the Night Comes*)"
2: 夜になったら/Yoru ni Nattara (When the Night Comes*) [6:28-12:10] Vocals: Susumu Hirasawa / Toru Akutsu
Susumu Hirasawa: Thank you very much. It was "Yoru ni Nattara(When the Night Comes*)". Next, the staff in the back are going to change the stage setting. The next song is a big failure song. It is a song that attracted a lot of audience who had a wrong impression. I think it is the best we perform such a song earlier. We are going to play it at first, I mean, as a third song. What? Usually we would play this song at the end to make you feel, "Oh, we did hear the song", but today, we won't allow those people to feel that way. You might think, "The third song is my favorite." And there might be some people who would leave after hearing this song. Don't leave even though we play the climax song in the beginning. It's called "Okasareta Kyuuden (Violated Palace)". Today, we also have a new song later. You may think, "Is that the song that took them half a year to make? With that standard?" It's terrible. Eh, are you ready? I guess we are ready. Ready? "Okasareta Kyuuden (Violated Palace)".
3: 犯された宮殿/Okasareta Kyuuden (Violated Palace) [13:41-26:36] Vocals: Susumu Hirasawa
Susumu Hirasawa: Thank you very much. We did "Okasareta Kyuuden (Violated Palace)" earlier than usual today. We wanted to do the harder work earlier. Akutsu-kun, speak something.
Toru Akutsu: Hirasawa-kun on the guitar has some preparation to do for the next song. So, I will do the emcee. Today, we had a fine day, and eh...(The rest is omitted.)
Susumu Hirasawa: It's an instrumental tune called "Tales from Pornographic Ocean"
4: Tales from Pornographic Ocean [27:13-36:38]
Susumu Hirasawa: Thanks. For those who don't understand English, I want to explain what was said in English. In the beginning of the song, there was a narration by a man in English. What he said was:
Look, the boundless sperm Ocean
Swallows the whole world without haste
Get off your dress polluted in the hour
And now will you sink with me?
Tales from pornographic ocean
That was what was said. If I put it in Japanese, it will be like this:
見よ、果てしなく広がる愛液の海が[Miyo, hateshinaku hirogaru aieki no umi ga]
ゆっくりと世界を飲み込む[Yukkurito sekai wo nomikomu]
時に汚れたドレスを脱ぎ捨て[Toki ni yogoreta dorresu wo nugi sute]
今、私と沈んでくれるか[Ima watashi to shizunde kureru ka?]
It would be like this.
It was very hard for us to record the narration in English. We grabbed someone walking on the street, carrying a cassette tape recorder, and asked, "Excuse me, but..." and explained what we want in Japanese, and had a person do a narration for us. It was a news reporter from abroad, and he kindly tried his best for us.
Next song is a new one. (To the staff) It's in the way, so don't make it bigger. We are going to play a new song. "Kazari-mado no Dekigoto Part II (Happening by the Windowsill Part II)"
Could you increase the echo a little? Ah, Ah, Ah, not too much. Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah, OK.
5: 飾り窓の出来事 Part II/Kazari-mado no Dekigoto Part II (Happening by the Windowsill Part II) [39:00-47:57] Vocals: Susumu Hirasawa
Susumu Hirasawa: Akutsu, you speak.
Toru Akutsu: I guess Mandrake would be easier to understand when Hirasawa-kun speaks, but anyway, today, I am so happy to have you here. well in Tokyo, sorry, ...(The rest is omitted.)
Susumu Hirasawa: The next song is called, "Shuumatsu no Kajitsu (End-Time Fruit)". It is also a song easily misunderstood. It has ha flat kind of tune, and we have made it like a moody music that is loved by women, and some people misunderstand "shuumatsu" to be weekend. But it means "the end time of the world", not the weekend. And the "kajitsu(fruit)" means yourselves. I feel bitter I have to explain you everything to this extent.
Now, "Shuumatsu no Kajitsu (End-Time Fruit)".
6: 終末の果実/Shuumatsu no Kajitsu (End-Time Fruit) [49:10-61:55] Vocals: Susumu Hirasawa / Backing Vocals: Toru Akutsu
Susumu Hirasawa: Thank you very much. That's all. Come again next time.
7: 平沢進 インタビュー/Interview with Susumu Hirasawa
Interviewer: (To the staff,) What? I'm not finishing here. I'm not gonna waste my time. Now, let's sit in a circle here.
Someone: This is a real interview.
Interviewer: It's a real interview.
Someone: We know the backstage(laughs).
Interviewer: So, now, as a standard question, what does Mandrake aim to do... I mean, I've never done this before and I'm not good at it... What do you aim to do?
Hirasawa: We have nothing that we want to aim to do.
Interviewer: You have nothing?
Hirasawa: We have no goal, but we want to seek our original music.
Interviewer: So, like I have guessed, you are going to play your music in a barnyard taste?
Hirasawa: Yes, we would love to do it in a b... barnyard taste.
Interviewer: What was the title? How did you come up with the song title, Pornographic Ocean?
Hirasawa: You know the song by YES, [Tales from] Topographic Oceans? I took the title resembling it because it sounded good, simply. And I added other elements to the song later.
Interviewer: What did you get the inspiration of the song from?
Hirasawa: There are my true mind and the cover story. At first, we wanted to do something unique, and we added the English narration to the song at first. And in my true mind, the content of the narration in English. That's my true mind of the song. It's in English only, so there is a problem because only a few people understand it. So, we are thinking about displaying the words projected on the screen on the stage or something to solve that problem.
If the audience think it is just interesting because it is something unusual, or if they think it is an emotional song, it would mean it is a failure. Progressive rock fans might misunderstand even Mandrake because we still have moody and emotional aspects. I want to get rid of those things from us gradually.
Interviewer: So, you want to get rid of the moody aspects.
Hirasawa: I want to explain concretely to make the audience understand what we really mean by what seems to be moody in our music. I want to use some gadgets to make that happen.
Interviewer: What the audience interpret your music would vary from person to person, I think, but what do you want the audience to think Mandrake to be like?
Hirasawa: What do we want the audience to think of us?
Interviewer: About your music.
Hirasawa: If they don't think it is merely a kind of music, I am happy about it.
Interviewer: You want them to understand how original your music is, right?
Hirasawa: I don't only aim to play an original music, but my goal is something else. Personally, I don't place a big importance on the technique and what kind of music I play. I don't care about them that much. I mean, the purpose of the band is not to play songs well in a great technique, or to compose amazing songs. Mandrake is not a band to play music merely. That's what I think.
Interviewer: Could you elaborate a little more?
Hirasawa: If I elaborate, you would understand what I mean if you listen to the last song, "Shuumatsu no Kajitsu (End-Time Fruit)", and I just want to be a liver.
Interviewer: Who are your favorites musicians from abroad?
Hirasawa: I love many musicians, but the only musician I believe in is Robert Fripp.
Interviewer: How many years have passed since you started Mandrake?
Hirasawa: I wonder how many years.
Interviewer: Have you had any member change?
Hirasawa: Members... We have had the first line up and the second line up.
Interviewer: How long have you had the band since the first line up?
Hirasawa: Including the first line up, it's been 4 or 5 years, I guess.
Interviewer: Do you have any plan of recording albums?
Hirasawa: Well, actually, Victor record label contacted us and they first said to us, "Let's record an album and release it in April." But since then, they haven't said anything. They say, "It's not the best time." "It's not the best time to release your album." But we think, if it's not now, never. In the first place, our music is very old, I think. So, if they have us release an album, I want them to do it as soon as possible. (Laughs)
Interviewer: Thank you. (To the staff,) Hey, is this really recording?
0: Background music before the show: I'm Bugged by XTC [00:00-02:19]
Susumu Hirasawa: こんにちは。マンドレイクです。
1: 飾り窓の出来事/Kazari-mado no Dekigoto (Happening by the Windowsill) [02:19-04:55] Instrumental
Susumu Hirasawa: どうも。マンドレイクです。こんにちは。2か月ぶりに、かな、出てきたんですけれども、今日はわりとお客さん多いようで。いつもの出だしとガラッと変わって今日は、陽気にやっちゃったんですけれどもね。いつもは現代音楽の○○から入って、陰気にやってるんですけれども。今日は一応、こういう感じでやってみたいと思います。いつもと違う。喋り方もちょっと変えてるんですけれどもね。いろいろ、落ち込んでるバンドとか、そういう噂があって、反省をしました。次の曲は、一応、単純明快なのを最初のうちにやっちゃうという、感じでやりますけれども。キーボードの用意がまたしても大変なんで。喋り方がだんだん、くちごもって来ましたけれども。はっきり言いますから。けんか腰ですので。「夜になったら」という曲なんですけれども、単純明快に作ってあります。それはわざと単純明快に作ってあるんですけれどもね。ボーカル、リバーブ、じゃなくてエコー入れてくれますか?あ、あ、あ、あ、ちょっと跳ね返りが強い。もう、ちょい。○○掛けてもうちょい跳ね返りをちいさい○○。あ、あ、じゃあ、「夜になったら」という曲です。
2: 夜になったら/Yoru ni Nattara (When the Night Comes*) [6:28-12:10] Vocals: Susumu Hirasawa / Toru Akutsu
Susumu Hirasawa: どうもありがとう。「夜になったら」という曲でした。次にですね、なんか、後ろの人が、いろいろ、ステージのセッティングを変えるそうですが。マンドレイクの大失敗作。誤解編。誤解者を多数、呼び起こしたというろくでもない曲なんですけれども、こういうのは、早くやっちゃうに越したことがないと思って、今日はいっとう最初にやっちゃうんですけど、最初じゃないか、3番目にやっちゃう。ええ?いつもなら、最後に取っといて、ああ、聞いたな、という気にさせるんですけれども、今日はそういう人は容赦しませんから。3曲目が楽しみだ、と。3曲目で、これ終わって帰った人は...これ、やっちゃうんですけど終わりじゃありませんから帰んないでくださいね。「犯された宮殿」ですけど。今日は新曲も一曲用意してあるんですけど、だいたい半年ぐらいかけてやっとできて、この程度だ、というのを皆さんにお目にかけたいと思うんですけれども、ひどいもんですから。えーと、いいですか。準備OKかな。いい?「犯された宮殿」です。
3: 犯された宮殿/Okasareta Kyuuden (Violated Palace) [13:41-26:36] Vocals: Susumu Hirasawa
Susumu Hirasawa: どうもありがとう。今日は早めに「犯された宮殿」をやっちゃいました。大変な仕事は最初にやっちゃうと。阿久津君、なんかしゃべって。
Toru Akutsu: ギターの平沢君が、準備がいろいろありますので、進行僕が。今日は天気が良かったんですけれどもね、えっと、あの...。
Susumu Hirasawa: インストゥルメンタルです。「Tales from Pornographic Ocean」
4: Tales from Pornographic Ocean [27:13-36:38]
Susumu Hirasawa: どうも。語学力のない人のために解説などしたいと思いますけど。一番最初に男の人のナレーションでもってなんかしゃべったんですけれども、何て言ってるかというとね、
Look the boundless sperm Ocean.
Swallow the whole world without haste.
Get off your dress polluted in the hour.
And now will you sink with me?
Tales from pornographic ocean. っつってたんですけども。日本語に訳すとどうかっていうと、
Susumu Hirasawa: そういう感じなんだけれども。
次がね、新曲やるんだけども、じゃまですから、大きくしたりあまりしないでください。新曲やるんですけども。新曲をやります。「飾り窓の出来事 Part II」
5: 飾り窓の出来事 Part II/Kazari-mado no Dekigoto Part II (Happening by the Windowsill Part II) [39:00-47:57] Vocals: Susumu Hirasawa
Susumu Hirasawa: 阿久津がしゃべって。
Toru Akutsu: 平沢君がしゃべった方が、マンドレイクは一番分かりやすいんじゃないかと思うんですけれども、ほんとに今日は、皆さんが来て、ほんとにうれしい事にね、いろいろと、都内に、ごめんなさい(後略)
Susumu Hirasawa: 次の曲なんですけど、「終末の果実」っていう曲なんですけれども、これも誤解を生みやすい曲で、ノターっとしている、ムードミュージックみたいな、女性が好きなような、作り方してるんだけども、「終末の果実」の「シュウマツ」というのは土曜日のことと間違える人が良くいるんですけど、土曜日のことじゃなくて、もう世の中が終わっちゃう「終末」ですから。「果実」というのは皆さんのことです。ここまで言わなきゃなんないのが辛いなあ。
6: 終末の果実/Shuumatsu no Kajitsu (End-Time Fruit) [49:10-61:55] Vocals: Susumu Hirasawa / Backing Vocals: Toru Akutsu
Susumu Hirasawa: どうもありがとう。これで終わりです。また来てください。
7: 平沢進 インタビュー/Interview with Susumu Hirasawa
Interviewer: (スタッフに向かって)え?終わらないよ。勿体ない。まず、じゃ、この辺に輪を描いて。
Someone: これは本当のインタビューだね。
Interviewer: インタビューだね。
Someone: 裏を知ってる(笑)
interviewer: じゃあさ、お決まりの、マンドレイクの目指す...こういうのやったこと無いから苦手なんだよな...音楽性というか、どういうものを目指してる?
Hirasawa: いちおう目指しているものは、何もありません。
Interviewer: 何もありませんか?
Hirasawa: 何もありません。オリジナルを追求したいと思います。
Interviewer: やっぱり、あの、卑猥な感じで?
Hirasawa: ええ、ぜひとも、ひ...卑猥な感じにやりたいと思います。
Interviewer: なんだっけな、Pornographic Oceanというのは、どういう所で思いついたんですか?
Hirasawa: YESの、あれ、あるでしょ?[Tales from] Topographic Oceans っていうの。ただ、語呂がいいからそういう風に付けたというだけの話でね、後からいろいろこじつけたという。
Interviewer: あれ、発想はどのへんで?
Hirasawa: 本音と建て前が。ようするに本音は、一番最初にまず、変わったことをやろうっていうので、あれをやったのとね、ああいう声を入れたっていうのと、もう一つは、やっぱり最初に英語で言ってるナレーションあるでしょ、あれが本音なんですよね。あれが今んところ英語だから、いろいろ問題あるんで、英語言ってる時にスライドで前に文字を出そうか、とか、いろんな考えが有るんだけれども、そういう、そうなんですよね。
Interviewer: ムード的なものを削って。
Hirasawa: ムード的に解釈されそうなところをね、もっと手取り足取り、誤解の無いように、いろいろな仕掛けをして行きたいと思います。
Interviewer: どういうふうに、取り方は千差万別だと思うんだけども、マンドレイクとしては、解釈してもらえるといい、と。
Hirasawa: どういうふうに解釈してもらえるといいか、って?
Interviewer: 自分たちの音楽を。
Hirasawa: 別に、ただの音楽じゃなければ、どうでもいいです。
Interviewer: オリジナリティを解ってほしい、と。
Hirasawa: ただ、別に音楽面だけのオリジナリティっていうんじゃなくて、別に、僕個人としてはさ、テクニックとか、音楽性ていうのは、あまり気にしないんだよね。気にしないというか、バンド自体、上手い演奏をすることが目的じゃないと思ってるから。それに、すごい曲を作ることが目的だとは、思ってない。マンドレイクは、音楽を演奏することが目的のバンドじゃないと思ってるからね。と思ってるんですよ。僕は。
Interviewer: 具体的には?もうちょっと。
Hirasawa: 具体的には、もうちょっと、何というか、さっきの最後の「終末の果実」を聴いてもらうと解るんだけれども、とにかく、ただの生活者でありたいと思います。
Interviewer: 向うのミュージシャンでは、どんなのが、好きですか?
Hirasawa: 好きなのはいっぱいあるけども、信じられるのはロバート・フリップだけです。
Interviewer: マンドレイクって始めて何年ぐらい?
Hirasawa: 何年ぐらいだろうね?
Interviewer: メンツの変化とかあるの?
Hirasawa: メンツの...第一期と第二期とがありまして。
Interviewer: 第一期含めると何年ぐらい?
Hirasawa: 第一期含めるとね、4年か5年ぐらい、経つんじゃないかな?
Interviewer: レコーディングの予定とか?
Hirasawa: あのね、いちおうね、ビクターからね、声がかかってるのよね。最初来た話では「今年の4月頃には録って出したいね」なんて向うは意気込んでたんだけども、音沙汰無いんですよね、それ以来(笑)。なんか「時期が悪い」って言うのね。「今、出す時期じゃない」って。でも今、出せなかったら、僕らとしては、もう出す時期無いと思ってるし、だいたいが、僕らのやってる音楽はすごく古いと思ってるからね。だから、出すんなら、早くして欲しいと思います(笑).
Interviewer: どうも。(スタッフに向かって)入ってんのかね、これ?ねえ。
The link to niconico video