

A Susumu Hirasawa's fan blog. Unofficial translation of song lyrics, twitter and other materials. Feel free to link to these translations or repost with proper credit. But please don't claim them as your own. If you have any questions, contact me at twitter @lucy1205.

Anti-Vistoron / Kaku P-MODEL/核P-MODEL

(Lyrics in Romanised Japanese)
Kantan-fu made tsukete tanoshi-ge ni
Kan-kan-zume no jiyuu wa ikaga?
Iyashi mashou
Chou uzai nyuuron ga ho ho
Zasshi no mizu wa amai to uwasa no
Sassoku suuchi wa mejaa no kizashi
Yase mashou geki hosoku
Joo joo wa haa haa
     Watte mo ii ii wattemo ii ii
      Watte mo oishii kyandii
     Kattara ii ii kattara ii ii
     Kattara dandan jankii
     Kos(u)to mo ii ii kos(u)to mo ii ii
     Kos(u)to mo kuuru na paatii
     Issho ga ii ii issho ga ii ii
     Issho ga anzen genki
     Kotte mo ii ii kotte mo ii ii
     Kottara ikkini ninki
     Mottara ii ii mottara ii ii
     Mottara zenzen fanshii
Hoorii uddo ga kono yo no jijitsu de
Raa raa tatta wa kinjo no himitsu
Moe mashou supootsu de
Oh oh de aa aa
     Watte mo ii ii wattemo ii ii
     Watte mo oishii kyandii
     Kattara ii ii kattara ii ii
     Kattara dandan jankii
     Kos(u)to mo ii ii kos(u)to mo ii ii
     Kos(u)to mo kuuru na paatii
     Issho ga ii ii issho ga ii ii
     Issho ga anzen genki
     Kotte mo ii ii kotte mo ii ii
     Kottara ikkini ninki
     Mottara ii ii mottara ii ii
     Mottara zenzen fanshii
Kantan-fu made tsukete tanoshi-ge ni
(Watte mo ii ii wattemo ii ii
Watte mo oishii kyandii )
Kan-kan-zume no jiyuu wa ikaga?
(Kattara ii ii kattara ii ii
Kattara dandan jankii
Zasshi no mizu wa amai to uwasa no
(Kos(u)to mo ii ii kos(u)to mo ii ii
Kos(u)to mo kuuru na paatii)
Sassoku suuchi wa mejaa no kizashi
(Issho ga ii ii issho ga ii ii
Issho ga anzen genki)
Hoorii uddo ga kono yo no jijitsu de
(Kotte mo ii ii kotte mo ii ii
Kottara ikkini ninki)
Raa raa tatta wa kinjo no himitsu
(Mottara ii ii mottara ii ii
Mottara zenzen fanshii)
(Translation of lyrics in English)
Fai Fai dealer!
Cheerfully adding an exclamation mark
Fai Fai dealer!
How about having a freedom in a closed room?
Let's heal ourselves
The extremely noisy neuron is ho ho
Fei Fei School
It's rumored that the water on the magazine is sweet
Fei Fei School
There is a sign that the numerical value has reached the major level
Let's lose weight and become extremely slim
Jo jo is haa haa
     You can split it You can split it
     You can split the candy in half and It still tastes good
     Why don't you buy it Why don't you buy it
      If you buy it, you'll become junkie gradually
     The cost is nice The cost is nice
      The party with the cool cost
     It's good to stay together It's good to stay together
      We are safe and well if we stay together
     You can get a kick You can get a kick
      If you get a kick, it will become popular quickly
     You can have it You can have it
      If you have it, it will be completely fancy
Yaifai People
The holy wood is a fact in this world
Yaifai People
Raa Raa Tatta is a secret in the neighborhood
Let's become passionate in sports
Saying oh oh and aa aa
     You can split it You can split it
     You can split the candy in half and It still tastes good
     Why don't you buy it Why don't you buy it
     If you buy it, you'll become junkie gradually
     The cost is nice The cost is nice
     The party with the cool cost
     It's good to stay together It's good to stay together
     We are safe and well if we stay together
     You can get a kick You can get a kick
     If you get a kick, it will become popular quickly
     You can have it You can have it
     If you have it, it will be completely fancy
Fai fai dealer!
Cheerfully adding an exclamation mark
(You can split it You can split it You can split the candy in half and It still tastes good )
Fai fai dealer!
How about having a freedom in a closed room?
(Why don't you buy it Why don't you buy it If you buy it, you'll become junkie gradually)
Fei Fei School
It's rumored that the water on the magazine is sweet
(The cost is nice The cost is nice The party with the cool cost)
Fei Fei School
There is a sign that the numerical value has reached the major level quickly
(It's good to stay together It's good to stay together We are safe and well if we stay together)
Yaifai People
The holy wood is a fact in this world
(You can get a kick You can get a kick If you get a kick, it will become popular quickly)
Yaifai People
Raa Raa Tatta is a secret in the neighborhood
(You can have it You can have it If you have it, it will be completely fancy)
(Lyrics in Japanese)
癒しましょう 超ウザイ ニューロンがホーホー
痩せましょう ゲキ細く ジョージョーはハーハー
割ってもいい いい 割ってもいい いい 割ってもオイシー キャンディー
買ったらいい いい 買ったらいい いい 買ったらだんだん ジャンキー
コストもいい いい コストもいい いい コストもクールな パーティー
一緒がいい いい 一緒がいい いい 一緒が安全 元気
凝ってもいい いい 凝ってもいい いい 凝ったら一気に 人気
持ったらいい いい 持ったらいい いい 持ったら全然 ファンシー
燃えましょう スポーツで オーオーでアーアー
割ってもいい いい 割ってもいい いい 割ってもオイシー キャンディー
買ったらいい いい 買ったらいい いい 買ったらだんだん ジャンキー
コストもいい いい コストもいい いい コストもクールな パーティー
一緒がいい いい 一緒がいい いい 一緒が安全 元気
凝ってもいい いい 凝ってもいい いい 凝ったら一気に 人気
持ったらいい いい 持ったらいい いい 持ったら全然 ファンシー
ファイファイ屋! 感嘆符まで付けて楽しげに
(割ってもいい いい 割ってもいい いい 割ってもオイシー キャンディー)
ファイファイ屋! カンカン詰めの自由はいかが?
(買ったらいい いい 買ったらいい いい 買ったらだんだん ジャンキー)
(コストもいい いい コストもいい いい コストもクールな パーティー)
フェイフェイ派 早速数値はメジャーの兆し
(一緒がいい いい 一緒がいい いい 一緒が安全 元気)
ヤイファイ人 ホーリーウッドがこの世の事実で
(凝ってもいい いい 凝ってもいい いい 凝ったら一気に 人気)
Note 1:
Fai fai ya/Fai fai dealer: possible meanings:
-The Chinese character "輝" pronounced "fai" in Kantonese means "brightness"
  and "輝/faifai" means "brilliance".  
-"Fai" means "flame" in Thai language.
-"φ/ϕ"(phi) is the 21st character in Greek alphabet.
-"Faifai Beach" is in Guam.
-"Fai tu?" means "You do?" in Italian.
-"Faifai" means "finally" in Maoli.
-"-ya/屋" means "a dealer", "a merchant" or a "shop" in Japanese.
-"Kan-zume": (1)canned food (2)confining someone in a room or building so they can concentrate on work    (3)being stuck in a confined space
-"Kan-kan": a slang for "Can/canned food"
-Thus, "Kan-kan-zume" means "being confined in a closed room"
Fei Fei Ha:
-The pronunciation of "fei" could indicate "飛/to fly" "費/expense" "菲/turnip/thin/Philippines", etc in Chinese.
-"飛/tobu" also means "to fly/to get high" in Japanese.
-”Ha/派”: "clique, faction, school, group, same persuasion, to be partial to someone/something" in Japanese.
-Thus, "Fei Fei Ha" could mean "Flying High School/Getting High Clique" in my interpretation.
You can split the candy in half and It still tastes good/割ってもおいしいキャンディー/Watte mo oishii kyandii:
-"キャンディ/Kyandii": "sugar candy, sugar drops". It doesn't include chocolate or other kinds of sweets like "candy" in English does.
-In my opinion, the situation someone says, "Let's split that 'candy' in half and share it." means...
 (You don't normally try to cut a small sugar candy in half and share it with your friend...)
 (I am sure you know what it means in the next phrase, " If you buy it, you'll become junkie gradually")
Yaifai-jin/Yaifai People:
-"Yaifai": Its meaning is unknown.
-"-jin/人": an ethnic group, a race.
Holy wood/Hoorii uddo:
-It doesn't mean the name of the city "Hollywood" or the plant "Holly". It means "holy/sacred wood"
-There are hundreds of plants that are considered holy/sacred in various cultures. But it seems Hirasawa wants to emphasize "It is an undeniable fact that the 'holy plant' exists in this world."
Raa raa tatta:
-It sounds like a kind of scat in music, similar to "la la", "bap ba dee" and so on.
-There is no such word "raa raa tatta" in Japanese, but it reminds me of "raripappa" meaning "high/groggy on drugs".
Note 2:
◎What is Anti-Vistoron?
"Anti-Vistoron" is referred to in the booklet in the CD "Vistoron".
There are 6 paragraphs in the booklet. The English translation of the first, second and the last paragraphs is in Susumu Hirasawa official web site (on the Album Vistoron English page):
◎The translation of the third, fourth, and fifth paragraphs by me:
The mutation in Ashu-on was started and accelerated by Anti-Vistoron which had invaded the cultivation incubator. It is Vistoron, by functioning properly, existing universally in the natural world that makes the world surrounding people shows its real image.
However, Anti-Vistoron which is released artificially interferes with the proper function of Vistoron, and it makes people see the wrong images about the world.
The huge amount of Anti-Vistoron is being released through mass media mainly at present.
It has been continuing to increase dramatically for these several years, and it has invaded the cultivation incubator and Ashu-on itseslf at last.
The translator machine translated Ashu-on into the characters "亜種音/ashu-on", which is the mutated form of "亞種音/ashu-on" that used to be its original characters. Ashu-on itself blocked the space to prevent Anti-Vistoron from flowing back into the world, by changing the character "亞/a", which has an open space in the center, into "亜/a", whose center space is closed.
However, Ashu-on cannot stop the huge release of Anti-Vistoron into the world by mass media just by preventing the Anti-Vistoron in Ashu-on from flowing back.
Being aware there is danger, Ashu-on has been working without stopping, and it has sent a lot of linguistic patterns to the translator machine.
Note by the translator:
I think one of the important themes of Susumu Hirasawa's works is that "We should liberate ourselves from mental slavery which invisibly confines ourselves by means of the mass media and the authorities."
Interpreting the lyrics of this song and the explanation of Anti-Vistoron in the booklet in the album "Vistoron", Anti-Vistoron doesn't mean the "candy that tastes good split in half" or "drugs" itself.
The song probably expresses that either "You will see the reality of the world by taking psychoactive drugs" or "You won't see the reality of the world by taking psychoactive drugs".
Which interpretation do you vote for?





Frizzle (Lucy)