

A Susumu Hirasawa's fan blog. Unofficial translation of song lyrics, twitter and other materials. Feel free to link to these translations or repost with proper credit. But please don't claim them as your own. If you have any questions, contact me at twitter @lucy1205.

Hikashu's Zekkei Christmas Live Show(ヒカシューの絶景クリスマス) at Daikan-yama Unit, Tokyo on Dec. 25, 2016 Report (Part 1)

Show hours: 6:30pm to 9:30pm
(*Zekkei: Magnificent View)
Hikashu (Koichi Makigami, Mita Freeman, Masami Sakaide, Kazuto Shimizu, and Masaharu Sato)
Afrirampo (Oni and Pika)
Kera(Keralino Sandorovich) with Kei Fushimi
Susumu Hirasawa
Daikan-yama Unit: A live house with the capacity for about 600 people, all standing.
(Note: I wrote this report from my notes and memory with the help by other attendees. The words are sometimes not exactly what were said and this report may contain a few mistakes.)
《Preamble 》
Back in 1980 when I was a college student, I was living in Kyoto, and went to all live gigs I could attend of both P-MODEL and Hikashu in Kansai area that covered Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, and Kobe. I was a huge fan of both bands. Both of the bands lived in Tokyo, but it was in their early time as new bands who had made their debut only a year or two ago, and they would do gig tours around Japan several times a year. They often performed in different live houses in Kyoto and Osaka on continuous nights. So I was able to see their shows very often. Most of my "new wave" fan friends liked both P-MODEL and Hikashu. I also often found the same groups of people attending these two bands. We were "new wave" fans. I was a fan of rock music, "new wave" in particular (I also went to the Japan's concert in 1979, the gigs by Specials and UB40 in 1980, and PiL in 1983), and reggae for more than 20 years. 
However, in the 90s and 2000s, I was listening to different musicians' music more. Then I rediscovered and started to love Susumu Hirasawa's and Hikashu's music again in 2012. At that time, the situation and fans around P-MODEL(Susumu Hirasawa) and Hikashu had changed. It was not like all Hirasawa fans liked Hikashu any more, but a few of them seemed to like both musicians. Susumu Hirasawa and Hikashu had not played on a same stage for a long time, and there was even a rumor going around that they didn't like each other or they were not in good terms or something. I didn't want to believe them because I liked both Hirasawa and Hikashu.
I was jumping with joy on September 29, 2016 when I heard the news that Hirasawa and Hikashu were going to perform in the same show at the year end. I knew about it from Kera's twittering and from the twittering by both Hirasawa and Makigami. I thought, "They have been just too busy working on their own's music and haven't have a chance to get together until now. Susumu Hirasawa is collaborating with Hikashu(Koichi Makigami)! It would be truly a-dream-comes-true show for me!"
《"Hikashu's Zekkei Christmas" Show》
<Kera's greeting>
Kera: Good evening! Wow! Full of people! Tonight's Christmas show will be a memorable one in the history of rock music,
Kera: I mean, the history of new wave.
Mr. Makigami said to me many times, "Cupidder sounds so cute.” It means being a Cupid, who plays matchmaker, so to speak. In today's show, Mr.Hirasawa and Hikashu are performing together. Some of you might not know what a big thing it means at all, though. The other day, my band, Uchoten, performed with Laughin' Nose. It's like having the Willard there. It's not as easy as, for example, we Uchoten and Kinshou(Kinniku Shojo Tai) performing together. [Uchoten and Knniku Shojo Tai both belong to Nagomu Record label.]
Audience: (Laugh and applause)
Kera: Early this year in February, I twittered, "I want to help in setting up the opportunity that Mr.Hirasawa and Hikashu perform together". And one month later in March, I had Mr.Sakaide from Hikashu play bass guitar for my solo live. At that time, Mr.Sakaide said to me, "Mr.Hirasawa and Hikashu's live will become a reality." So actually they had been discussing about it long before I did anything.
Audience: (Laugh)
Kera: Mr.Sakaide said, "We're having a show with Mr.Hirasawa in December. Do you wanna come, too?"
Audience: (Laugh)
Kera: That was not exactly what I planned.
Audience: (Laugh)
Kera: My plan was, I say, "Hirasawa-kun and Makigami-kun, let's have a meeting. Let's have a live show together." And I make them shake hands, and I shoot a photo of that. That was my plan.
Audience: (Laugh)
Kera: But the thing didn't go as I planned. The thing happened in a different way, and I was invited to Mr.Hirasawa and Mr.Makigami's meeting somewhere nice in Tokyo. And I was actually surprised to see the scene they were sitting at the same table, and I just listened to what they discussed in the meeting. So I could've come here as one of the audience tonight.
Kera: In 1980, at Nakano Sun Plaza, in 1990, at Error Force live at Hibiya Yagai Ongaku-do, and they got together again tonight in 2016 here at Daikan-yama Unit, at Hikashu's Zekkei Christmas. You are so lucky to be able to see tonight's show. I saw the rehearsal, and I’m certain about it. Enjoy the show.
Now I'll introduce the opening act, Afrirampo duo!
<Afrirampo's show> (about 25 minutes)
Miracle Lucky Girls
and other two songs
Afrirampo is a women's duo, Oni on vocals and guitar, and Pika on the drums and vocals.
They played a song with a heavy metal touch(Miracle Lucky Girls), a song with a new wave touch in a primitive Japanese dancing rhythm, and another quiet song with a new wave taste.
Along with the songs, they did a kind of a short comedy skit, too. they played music and the skit well. Their performance was far better than I had expected. Also they are very beautiful young women, though they were wearing tatoo-like make-up that looked like some ancient tribal clan.  They were in red dresses to represent Christmas.
<Uchoten's Promotion Video> (about 5 minutes)
Kera: Hello again. While they are changing the stage set up, I want to play the promotion video of our new song which has just been made, on the screen over there. I want all of you to buy the CD being sold upstairs tonight.
Audience: (Laugh)
Kera: If you liked it, please buy two.
Audience: (Laugh)
Uchoten/"Monkey's Report" promotion video was played.
<Kera's show> (about 10 minutes)
Kera: Eh, do you want Cupidder to play some songs, too?
Audience: (Screams of delight and applause)
Kera: This is just for fun...
Kera sang 3 songs by Hikashu and 3 songs by P-MODEL alternately in medley with the guitarist, Kei Fushimi. He also used some prerecorded sound that kept the rhythm.
Kera: Vocals
Kei Fushimi: Guitar and backing vocals
The Set List:
01.Love Treatment (Hikashu/from the album "Hikashu")
02.Daijobu (P-MODEL/from the album "Landsale")
03.Alternative Sun (Hikashu/from the album "Natsu/Summer")
04.Imawashi Denwa (P-MODEL/from the album "Potpourri")
05.Losing My Future (Hikashu/ from the album "Hikashu" )
06.Love Story (P-MODEL/ from the album "Landsale" )
Songs on You Tube:
Kera's singing was very powerful and the audience reacted with cheers and claps. Nice selection of the songs from early Hikashu and P-MODEL with a lot of techno/punk taste. Kei Fushimi played the guitar well, though he played it without a drummer.
<Hikashu's Show> (about 2 hours and 15 minutes)
Kera: Now, there will be no break from now. Ladies and gentlemen, here is Hikashu!
Audience: (Screams of delight and applause)  
Koichi Makigami: Vocals, theremin, mouth harp, cornet
Mita Freeman: Guitar[Les Paul] and vocals
Masami Sakaide: Bass guitar
Kazuto Shimizu: Piano, synthesizer, bass clarinet 
Masaharu Sato: Drums
Oni: Vocals
Pika: Drums, vocals
Kera: Vocals
Susumu Hirasawa: Vocals, guitar[Evo]
The Set List and the talks:
01: Fude wo Fure, Kanata-kun (from the album "Uragoe")
02: Ikiru Koto  (from the album "Ikiru Koto")
03: Nyunen/Elaborate (from the album "Ikiru Koto")
04: Niwatori Tonda (from the album "Bankan")
05: Tenguri Gaeru/Return to Tengri (from the album "Ikite Koi Chinmoku")
06: Mottai Nai Hanashi (from the album "Hanauta Hajime/Humming Soon")
     Koichi: Now, I want Afrirampo duo to join us here. I think what they do is very similar to what Hikashu are doing. We belong to the same tribe. Afrirampo!
     Oni and Pika: Thank you. We belong to the same tribe. We're so honored.
(With Afrirampo) 
07: Tengoku wo Nozoki tai (from the album "Cahkra Biraki")
                   (Mr.Makigami introduced this song as "A song about Santa Claus dies. A unique song")
08: Nyoki Nyoki Haete Kita (from the album "Bankan")
09: Biro Biro  (from the album "Hanauta Hajime/Humming Soon")
     Koichi: Thank you, Afrirampo! 
(Afrirampo left the stage.)
(Continues to Part 2) http://hirasawaslyrics.edoblog.net/live%20show%20report/hikashu--s%20zekkei%20christma_49 





Frizzle (Lucy)