

A Susumu Hirasawa's fan blog. Unofficial translation of song lyrics, twitter and other materials. Feel free to link to these translations or repost with proper credit. But please don't claim them as your own. If you have any questions, contact me at twitter @lucy1205.

Tarazu Lectures August #101 and #112

Tarazu Lectures #101 and #112 (in English)
Tarazu Lectures.
Today, I will lecture on number 101 and 112 witness reports which were submitted in August.
First of all, we need to understand the witness report number 112 before discussing the witness report number 101. 
So I am going to lecture on the witness report number 112 first.  [00:30]
Now, let me start.
"One day,  I was taking a walk in my neighborhood, and I found a cactus which is apparently lacks the will to grow properly.
Did it happen because Hyaku Tarazu Sama went through here?" [00:45]
That's what the report says.
I have to mention first that this is not a cactus.
Also, you are wrong if you think it lacks the will to do things properly. On the contrary, it has full of energy and is willing to do things properly.
Then you might wonder what this thing that looks like a cactus is. This is the owner of this house.  [01:05]
To understand it, you need to know what "S-model District" and "Chi-jima-se Tsubo(earth penetration jars)" are.
"S-model District" is the area in Japan where the national project: "The One-eighth Plan" is being conducted, which was introduced in a documentary program on TV called "Ultra Q" in 1964.
Caption: (Attention: "Ultra Q" is not a documentary program.)*
By the way, you can still view this program on websites with uploaded movies [such as Youtube].   [01:34]
"The One-eighth Plan" is a plan to shrink people's body size to one-eighth of their original size. It is based on the idea that we can utilize the food, the resources, and the land eight times more if we shrink the size of people into one-eighth.  [01:49]
This was, of course, done by Hyaku Tarazu Sama.
It is based on a revolutionary idea to consider that the size of people and the people's desires are too big, but not that we don't have enough food supply, resources, or land. [02:07]
It is widely speculated that we don't have enough food or resources. However, a lot of people show little intention of quitting their life requiring too much of them.
Also, on the stage theater called the Earth, those who are obsessed with robbing the resources and the lands of others still have the great power. Hyaku Tarazu Sama conducted the plan utilizing the people's greed in a skillful manner. [02:33]
In 'S-mbyodel District', the citizens are absolved of responsibility to work and to  pay tax, and are provided with education, medical care, and housing for free. In addition, the citizens receive basic income, so they have enough financial power.
Crowding people applied to become citizens there, thinking they would own  eight times as many of everything plus a lot of free time and unearned income.  [02:58]
About the photo in the witness report, it shows the owner of this house in a "Chi-jima-se* Tsubo (earth penetration jar)".
"Chi-jima-seTsubo" is a tool used in the process to shrink people in order to optimize their body size to the life in "S-model District" where "the One-eighth Plan" is conducted.  [03:20]
"The Chi-jima-se Tsubo", before its usage,  is as eight times as large as the one in the picture.
There is some soil soaked in the special solution in the jar, and it is big enough for an adult person to be half-buried in the soil in it easily.  [03:36]
The "Chi-jima-se Tsubo" and the person in it will shrink together into one-eighth of their size in a week. At the same time, the body system of the person will change and become able to absorb necessary nutrients directly from the soil.  [03:52] 
By going through this process, people in "S-model District" can absorb necessary nutrients directly from the soil, which enables them to skip the work to produce food. This is why these jars are called "Chi-jima-se Tsubo(earth penetration jars)".  [04:06]
Just for the record, the verb "Chi-jimu(earth penetration)" changed its meaning to mean "shrink(chijimu)" later, and the word is used to mean "The size of something becomes shrunk" nowadays.  [04:17]
The photo was taken when the owner of the house had been in the "Chi-jimase Tsubo" for just a week.
For your information, he will become like this two weeks later since he went in the jar.  [04:27]
The person who is in a "Chi-jima-se Tsubo" will change his shape into something looking like a plant in the first week. But he keeps his functions of his body as before, having no restrictions in life except that he cannot walk around.
So it is a wrong interpretation that this man lacks the will to grow properly. In fact, it is obvious that he is working very hard if you look the inside of the jar.   [04:50]
This is the inside of the jar.
Now, the man will transform his shape back to normal like this two weeks after he went in the "Chi-jima-se Tsubo".
And in additional two weeks, his body will be able to absorb necessary nutrients from the soil whenever he buries himself in it, and he can come out from the jar at last to move to "S-model district" as a citizen.  [05:21]
Now, I will lecture on the witness report number 101.
The report says,
"I found a building with a sign saying 'Entrance to O-hakobi-ya(moving and delivery company)' in the corner of the local shopping area.
There are two signs written 'Entrance' on the door, but a concrete block is placed at the foot of it, and it is blocked with a small corrugated asbestos-cement sheet, and iron and bamboo sticks. It is hard to imagine the door serves as an entrance.
Also, the business called 'O-hakobi-ya(moving and delivery company)' is a mystery
because I saw no evidence that this place was running an ordinary delivery business, or no sign of life.
Is this something related to Hyaku Tarazu Sama or Yami Tari Sama? I would like you to lecture on it."  [06:11]
"O-hakobi-ya" is a station of the air-shooter(pneumatic dispatch tube systems) that is the only transportation means connecting the "ordinary world" and "S-model District".
It is a service run by a private company making it possible for the people shrunk to one-eighth in size to come and go between the two world.
There is no entrance for people in normal size here because it is an exclusive service  for the people shrunk to one-eighth size.  [06:48]
~♪ ~
The ringing sound.
Did you hear that?
We've just heard an alert in a timely manner.
It looks like someone is arriving from "S-model District".
Seeing is believing. Please look at the arrival of someone.  [07:06]
As you could see, the bamboo pipe here is an air shooter(pneumatic dispatch tube systems).
(Caption: The air shooter)  [07:25]
As a matter of fact, there was an incident of crime happened because of this means of transportation.
A girl who had been shrunk to one-eighth size visited the ordinary world by the air shooter transportation one day. She fell in love with a man in the regular size.
The girl wanted to become normal size again to realize her desire to be with him. However, it is forbidden for the citizens in "One-eighth Plan" to be back to normal size.
Nevertheless, she wanted to realize her desire at any cost. Her body size was not appropriate for him.
The girl was distressed by the fact that her height and body size were too small. She murmured, "Ah, I want to grow(Mi wo tarashi tai). Ah, I want to grow." every day as if she was raving in fever. [08:12]
Her father, who was a millionaire, was watching her situation and felt sorry for her. He bribed the   government officials and every administrator of every authority with huge amounts of money so his daughter would get away with becoming back to normal size and being "Mi wo tarasu(to grow)".
This incident was called "Mi-tarashi Dangou Case**(Growing back to normal size sweetheart deal Case)" which became a big social problem in "S-model District" later.  [08:36]
I have to mention one more thing lastly.
As you have noticed, there is a corrugated asbestos-cement sheet in the photo.
The same kind of asbestos-cement sheet was also found near the "Chi-jima-se Tsubo(earth penetration/shrinking jar)".
To tell you the truth, corrugated asbestos-cement sheets and bamboo pipes are the symbols of "S-model District" and you will find a flag like this with "S-13" at the entrance to every lot in the district.   [09:02]
Caption: S-13
This kind of corrugated asbestos-cement sheets can be seen at many places in the ordinary world, but you can be certain that most of them are the signs of the "O-hakobi-ya(moving and delivery company)".
Therefore, I would like to ask you, especially young men and women, not to go near thecorrugated asbestos-cement sheets if you see them in town. I don't want another sad incident like "Mi-tarashi Dangou Case(Growing back to normal size sweetheart deal Case)" to happen.  [09:27]
That's all for the lectures this time. Good-Bye. [09:34]
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※ One-eighth sized people from "Ultra Q", episode 17: "The One-eighth Plan"  http://dai.ly/x2o37ah
broadcast on April 24, 1966  http://ultraq.jp/story_17.html
*Chi-jima-se: This word to mean "earth penetration" is the one Mr. Hirasawa made up. On the other hand, the verb "Chijimu" is a common Japanese word to mean "to shrink" and it has been used from ancient times.
**Mi-tarashi Dangou Case: "Mi-tarashi Dangou" is a play on words meaning "Mitarashi dango", rice dumplings from Mitarashi, a kind of Japanese sweets made with rice, soy sauce and sugar.





Frizzle (Lucy)