

A Susumu Hirasawa's fan blog. Unofficial translation of song lyrics, twitter and other materials. Feel free to link to these translations or repost with proper credit. But please don't claim them as your own. If you have any questions, contact me at twitter @lucy1205.

zcon | Susumu hirasawa Online INTERACTIVE LIVE SHOW 2022 ZCON (Story: translation in English: unofficial)

zcon | SusumuhirasawaOnline




(Translation in English [unofficial])
The Story
With the help of the weather technicians living in a parallel world, and the revision council, the strange work of reality revision finally begins.
Two timelines. And the crack that connects the past and the present. ZCON that creates eugenic control [over peoplle] and ZCONITE, a conceptual stone that occurs in the brain. A man who looks into the present for 20 years tries to free his schizophrenic sisters called Templates from the rule of ZCON, risking his future.
Somewhere in history, the idea came about that there are two types of humankind, called Ayokayo and Ambani.
Ayokayo means excellent people, and Ambani means inferior people.
This is just an idea, not a fact.
It is the invention of Ayokayo who call themselves excellent human beings. Anyone who understands the reasoning will know that Ayokayo is actually more sly than good. However, people who talk about reasoning have been treated as weirdos for a long time.
It is not possible to explore the origins of Ayokayo and Ambani throughout history.
History is simply created by Ayokayo in order for Ayokayo people to give Ambani's daily life a pseudo-sense and pseudo-reality of being alive.
Ayokayo has thus built the world as it is today, “taking care of Ambani“, in their words, for such a daunting amount of time.
The Ayokayos needed to make the Ambani inferior forever. Otherwise, there is a risk that the positions will be switched. Ambani have been completely controlled and educated to serve Ayokayo unknowingly for the rest of their lives and to think that it makes sense even when they end their lives in tatters.
Ambani were taught that it is the principle of life that the anti-life activity of sacrificing oneself is essential to be born in this world and to sustain its life. And the painful labor was supported by the slogan that made them believe the illusion that the pain was a testament to the virtue of diligence so that it would not be noticed as anti-life. The slogan is this.
Those who do not work should not eat.
This is correct in a sense and crap in a sense. Because working here does not mean anything other than killing one's freedom and serving Ayokayo. In this way Ayokayo has long flourished by exploitation and oppression.
But the arrogant one is likely to overlook something important. They overlooked the self-cleaning effect built into the principles of human groups, which were originally designed to prosper through coexistence. Anti-life activities that someone makes someone exploited, deceived, restrained, to have forced thoughts, and to be made fun of with unreasonable power eventually became the subject of self-cleaning, and the Ayokayos perished. This is the principle of life.
To keep humans inferior, it is needed to break the connection between cognition, thought and creativity.
At the same time, it is necessary for humans to be unaware of their abilities. To that end, Ayokayo generated a conceptual stone, ZCONITE, on Ambani's heads and used ZCON to control it. ZCON is a device that guides a person to the ending stage of "Z", that is, "the reason to be a person", and keeps it there. Fortunately for Ayokayo, ZCONITE is both contagious and hereditary. The confusion and stagnation of mental activity caused by ZCONITE are simply called errors by me.
As soon as Ayokayo's self-destruction stopped ZCON and there was nothing to guide Ambani any more. The Ambani, whose conscious functions were fragmented, fell into a state similar to multiple personalities. At this rate, the world will be in turmoil, and the originally excellent people, that is, Ambani, may be destroyed. That would be a bad thing for me,  too.
Now let me talk about Ambani not being an inferior people. Long before Ayokayo invented the classification of superior people and inferior people, people heard the tune of Dyunk, which was heard out of nowhere. It may be more appropriate to say it resonated with the heart than people heard it physically. Dyunk is a term that means a state of equilibrium due to all people's unique abilities, thoughtfulness, and altruistic nature.
In combination with the tune of Dyunk and An, which is the response of people to Dyunk, Dunk- Anne was recognized as the BEACON that guides people with a tune that represents the very world of happy and excellent people.
People were led by the BEACON called Dyunk-An to enjoy their lives.
However, Ayokayo created ZCONITE on people's heads and made BEACON inaudible. Dyunk is no longer audible and people have forgotten An's tune, which is the response to Dyunk. Now people are fixed as Ambani.
At the beginning of the 21st century, Ayokayo frequently revised the social engineering reality with physical catastrophe in search of permanent enslavement of Ambani. There is a man who looks into the present from the crack of the timeline caused by the influence. His name is nGIAP. He witnessed the future destruction of Ayokayo from the TL[timeline] crack and knew that he would have no future unless he used ZCON in the opposite way to release Ambani. Not knowing that Ayokayo had died, the man who was the keeper of ZCON was told by nGiap, who spoke from the crack, that ZCON had made Ambani unhappy. The keeper told nGiap how ZCON works with tears of regret, and turned off ZCON. “Don't cut it yet!“ NGiap's cry was empty, and the guard fell to the floor and starved to death.
Since then, nGiap has been waiting from the world 20 years ago for the day when someone turns on ZCON after the disappearance of Ayokayo.
A crack in the timeline allows you to connect to another timeline just a little further in the future that wasn't affected by ZCON. Within this timeline, nGiap will be able to organize the group of weather technicians needed to operate the ZCON and the revision council of reality a little further back than the moment which is needed.
More than a decade after Ayokayo's death, one day when the Ambani people were in a state of extreme turmoil, being in the schizophrenic state, sisters called Templates, Ruby and Citrine, found ZCON in the woods. A template is an object that is directly controlled by ZCON, and what happens to a template caused by ZCON happens to everyone. The ZCON found by the sisters looked like an old little hut.
to be continued

zcon | SusumuhirasawaOnline




to be continued





Frizzle (Lucy)