

A Susumu Hirasawa's fan blog. Unofficial translation of song lyrics, twitter and other materials. Feel free to link to these translations or repost with proper credit. But please don't claim them as your own. If you have any questions, contact me at twitter @lucy1205.

Sally at the Fire / Kajiba no Sarii / 火事場のサリー

(Lyrics in Romanised Japanese)
Purachina no koe keiso no manazashi
Puruuto no arashi de rindou to rinku suru
   ★Kajiba no Sarii kajiba no Sarii
    Katasutorofu de ha!
    Itsumo aeru yo
    Lan lan la-la-lan lan
Ruri no shigusa chitan no hohoemi
Kureetaa no nadare de
Dandan shiroku naru
       ※Bria niwa "Ai" to kaki
        Hadashi de koori no hashi tooru
        Daiya niha nanimo sezu
        Hadashi de koori no hashi tooru
Kimi no koe wo itumo nusumi giki
Shureddaa no sukima de
Dandan bijo ni naru
    Kajiba no Sarii kajiba no Sarii
    Katasutorofu de ha!
    Kimi wo miteru yo
    Lan lan la-la-lan lan

(English translation)
Platinum voice, silicon eyes
Linked to the gentian in the midst of a storm on the Pluto
   ★Sally at the fire, Sally at the fire
    In the event of a catastrophe, ha!
    I can see you any time
    Lan lan la-la-lan lan
Lapis lazuli motion, titanium smile
In an avalanche in the crater
You turn whitish gradually 
      ※With the word "love" displayed on your barrier
       You cross the ice bridge barefoot
       With the word "love" displayed on your barrier 
       Without touching the diamond
I always listen in on your voice
Between the tines of the shredder
You turn into a beauty gradually
     Sally at the fire, Sally at the fire
     In the event of a catastrophe, ha!
     I'm looking at you
     Lan lan la-la-lan lan





Frizzle (Lucy)