

A Susumu Hirasawa's fan blog. Unofficial translation of song lyrics, twitter and other materials. Feel free to link to these translations or repost with proper credit. But please don't claim them as your own. If you have any questions, contact me at twitter @lucy1205.

Welcome to Tokyo, Hirasawa fans -Horse Bones- from overseas! A Party after the Ninth Mandala Show

Hai-mae! (Hi, fellow horse bones!)
Date and time: October 7, Saturday, 9 PM to 11 PM
Place: An Izakaya (Japanese style restaurant) in Yurakucho (to be announced soon)
Price: 4000 yen for all-you-can-drink alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and izakaya course menu food.
In November 2015, we had a big party at an Izakaya in Suido-bashi (near Tokyo Dome City Hall) after the last live show of World Cell 2015 to welcome Hirasawa fans attending the show from overseas. We had 45 people there including 8 fans from abroad (USA, Peru, China, Indonesia, Czech, and Germany) and had a great time. Some Japanese attendees spoke English and the fans from overseas had little problem communicating with them.
We are going to have another party like that again, on October 7, Saturday, 2017, after the last day of the Ninth Mandala live show in Tokyo (from 9 to 11 PM.) It will be in Yurakucho. Yurakucho(有楽町) Station is only 12 minutes train ride away from Shin-kiba(新木場), the closest station to Studio Coast Hall where the live show takes place.
We have reserved an Izakaya (casual Japanese style restaurant with beer, sake and other drinks) in Yurakucho for 25 80 people now. We will increase the number of reservation if more people sign up.
The cost will be between 3500 to 4500 4000 yen per person or so, including the course menu and all-you-can-drink alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
If you would like to attend it or are interested, please log in to Twipla apps through Twitter and press "参加する(I sign up)" or "興味あり(I am interested)" button. 
We will post the details of the party as soon as they are confirmed.
Let's have fun talking to the horse bones from all over the world and Japan!
If you have any questions, please contact Lucy @lucy1205 on Twitter or Twitter DM after following her.
Welcome to Tokyo, Hirasawa fans -Horse Bones- from overseas! A Party after the Ninth Mandala Show
【Additional post on September 10,2017】
The restaurant has been decided!
The date and time: October 7, Saturday, 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Restaurant:  PRONTO IL BAR (in Tokyo Kokusai Forum building)
The address: 東京都千代田区丸の内3-5-1 東京国際フォーラムB1(地下鉄有楽町線有楽町駅直結)
                     Tokyo International(Kokusai) Forum Building
                     B1 Floor, 3-5-1 Maru-no-uchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
      (Directly connected to Yuraku-cho station of Yuraku-cho-sen Line of Tokyo                                Subway)     
Price: 4000 JPYen
Please pay the price at the entrance.
A name tag will be provided, so please put it on. Your name on the name tag will be your Twitter name when you signed up for this party. If you would like to change your name on your name tag, please contact  @furiten3 in Japanese or @lucy1205 in English. If you have a very long Twitter name, I might make it shorter.
Cancelling is accepted until 5 days before the party (October 2: JST). If you cancel after October 2, you will have to pay for the party fee. 
The deadline for signing up for this party is September 30 (JST). (Also the limit of the number of attendees is 100. So when the attendees reach 100, no more signing up will be possible.) If you are interested in attending this party but you won't know if you can until the last minute, please contact  @furiten3 beforehand. 
In order to sign up, please follow me  @furiten3 to receive the DM(direct messages) about this party.
After the party is over, you can unfollow me if you wish.
Now, the Ninth Mandala show in Tokyo and this party are less than one month away.
I am looking forward to meeting all of you from Japan and all over the world, and to talking about Hirasawa Shiho.
The assistant in hardship, please follow me! (from the lyrics of "Dreaming Machine")
Let's get together, fellow Horse Bones!!!
Hiro  @furiten3


【Additional post on September 13】
You can come to the restaurant between 8:30 PM and 9:00 PM, and we start the party at 9:00 PM sharp, so please try to come to the restaurant at or around 8:30 PM.
There are about 100 attendees, so we would like you to find your table and take your seat smoothly and quickly.
Also, If you happen to arrive later than 9:00 PM, please note that they take the last orders of drinks at 10:30 PM, and the party will be closed at 11:00 PM sharp.
About the questionnaire on the main dish and pasta preference, I cannot guarantee that your preference will be met. We took the questionnaire so the restaurant would know what main dishes are most preferred. The restaurant may decide to serve only one kind of main dish and pasta.
Good news!
Now we have reserved the whole restaurant like last time!!!
So all the guests will be Horse Bones!
Let's talk about how we love Hirasawa Shisho as much as we like!!!
Those who would like to join, press the "I will attend" link now!
【Additional Post on September 22】
Now we have 97 attendees!
I have said the number of attendees is up to 100, but now that we have reserved the whole restaurant, we may ask the restaurant to have a few more extra attendees than 100. So please do not panic if you are the 101st attendee or later, and contact me.
And if you have found that you cannot attend after all, please change your status to "不参加/I don't attend" as soon as possible.
Now, we have 2 weeks to the party!
How to log in to the Twipla page:
Twitterでログイン (Log in with Twitter ID)  on the upper left 
Twitterアカウントでログイン(Log in with Twitter account) on the upper right
Press 連携アプリを認証 (I authorize to link the apps)
Find the title: " 2017/10/07  Welcome to Japan part 2 海外馬骨迎撃【東京曼荼羅】平沢サイヴ打ち上げ企画!
Choose 参加する(I sign up) or 興味あり(I am interested) in the middle of the page.
(You can change your status among "I sign up" "I am interested" and "不参加/I don't attend" any time.)





Frizzle (Lucy)