

A Susumu Hirasawa's fan blog. Unofficial translation of song lyrics, twitter and other materials. Feel free to link to these translations or repost with proper credit. But please don't claim them as your own. If you have any questions, contact me at twitter @lucy1205.


(Lyrics in Romanized Japanese)
Hideri tsuzuki mo
Haya kazoe hyaku tsuki
Hadena ame odori no
Hokori ja inochi wa araenu
Fui wo tsuku
Hayate no kage wa Coyote
Hikaru me ni
Saigo no mizu no kame ga utsuru
(Mura no inochi ato)
Niho to hanbun
(Shizuku hitotsu)
Nokosazu itadaku
※Coyote coyote
    Coyote coyote
    Coyote coyote
    Coyote coyote
Oitsu owaretsu
Fumu kusa wa hyaku-man
Kaze mo mama to fuke ba
Kono yo de hajime no "michi" ga naru
Saki wa memai no tani
Ikezu modorezu
Kami yo Hotoke yo Maria to hoete
Noboru taiboku
(Haba wa oyoso)
Niho to hanbun
(Miageru miki wa)
Kumo wo itadaku
Haruka nemoto ni hibiku 
Ono hyaku-do
"Saraba kumo yo" to naki
Taorete tanima no kake-hashi
Watarya tsukare hateta 
Me ni wa mizuumi
Tsukite ukabu coyote wa
Harete yatsu-zaki
(Wake-mae yaku)
Niko to hanbun
(Mura no yuuge nya)
Okazu ni itadaku
"Maa, oomune konna mon.
Sate, are kara kazoe hyaku-man nen.
Aikawarazu no hideri daga
Kimi wa shinka no doai niho to hanbun.
Motto kashikoku nigete itadaku."
Coyote: "Hai!"
*********     **********     **********
(English translation)
The drought has lasted
For 100 months already
The dust from the razzmatazz rain dance
Cannot wash our lives
The shadow of the harsh wind
That catches us unprepared is the Coyote
His gleaming eyes reflect 
Our last water jar
(Till the end of our village's life)
It's only two steps and a half away
(Every last drop)
He will drink up
※Coyote, coyote
 Coyote, coyote
    Coyote, coyote
    Coyote, coyote
We chasing him, he being chased,
We trample down a million grasses
The wind blows
Along the fitst "trail" made in history
Making the noise
Down the road is the Vale of Dizziness
No going further or coming back
Oh my Lord, oh Buddha, oh Maria,
He ululates and climes up the big tree
(Its trunk is about)
Two footsteps and a half wide
(Its high trunk)
Pokes the clouds in the sky
Hearing the axe chopping the trunk a hundred times far down at the bottom of tree
Coyote cries, "Farewell, the clouds."
The tree is downed to make a bridge over the vale
We cross it to discover a lake with our exhausted eyes
Coyote floating in the lake, running out his life
Is torn limb from limb at last
(A person's share is about)
Two pieces and a half
(For the village's supper)
It is served as the main dish
"Well, that's about it.
After that, we counted a million years
and have had the same old drought,
but you have only progressed two steps and a half. 
Run away more wisely next time."
Coyote: "Yes, I will!"





Frizzle (Lucy)