

A Susumu Hirasawa's fan blog. Unofficial translation of song lyrics, twitter and other materials. Feel free to link to these translations or repost with proper credit. But please don't claim them as your own. If you have any questions, contact me at twitter @lucy1205.

The Road to Dai-9(kyu)/The Ninth Mandala / 第9曼荼羅への道

Susumu Hirasawa "Dai-9(kyu)/The Ninth Mandala" Shows: in Osaka
Dates: July 8(Sat), 9(Sun), 2017
Time:  July 8(Sat): Open: 18:00/Show: 19:00, July 9(Sun):  Open: 17:00/Show: 18:00
Place: Zepp Namba Osaka: 2-1-39 Shikitsu-higashi, Naniwa-ku, Osaka City Zip556-0012 
Susumu Hirasawa "Dai-9(kyu)/The Ninth Mandala" Shows: in Tokyo
Dates: October 5(Thu), 6(Fri), 7(Sat), 2017
第9曼荼羅への道/The Road to Dai-9(kyu)/The Ninth Mandala
From  Dai-9(kyu) Mandala Special Web Site:
(English translation)
Eight years have passed since I started twittering on Twitter. For me who adopt being "Stealth" as my principle, having increasing number of followers has been my history of escaping from people. The impossible number of the viewers that continued increasing, which didn't stop no matter how hard I tried to discourage them to. I have sneaked through them, as if they were the illusional walls, until now. Each illusional huge wall consisting with ten thousand people stood in my way for eight times. Every time it happened, I released them like fish to the river of "No Meaning", and I escaped from them. It was similar to an action to set fire to the several tens of thousands of pages from a false religious scripture that whispers to me that those huge walls would be the grids that will lead to a mellifluous glory.
And now, I am captured in the last grid having 90 thousand people's eyes. I have escaped from each grid by the help of the "E-jin"s': SSHO and TAZZ, who brought me to the next world each time, by destroying each border wall between the grids. They are now with me to destroy the last grid by 90 thousand hammering in order for me to get to "The Ninth(Dai-9/kyu) Mandala" which is the gate to ”Erasing/Whitening the Meaning” that will release me. When the Ninth Mandala is opened by 90 thousand beats/knocks, "the whitening song" with 90 thousand musical notes will be released. It is a ritual for me to step into the next number of "100 thousand" without hesitation, by destroying the illusion of "the glory and threatening by the numbers" that don't actually exist. By completing this ritual, I will stay Stealth forever.
90 Thousand Knocks
The beats of the snare drum beaten throughout the live show in Osaka and Tokyo will be counted real time and will be displayed on the "Count Monitor". If the drum beats reach 90 thousand beats, a song with 90 thousand musical notes will be released from the web site for downloading. 90 thousand beats will not be achieved in ordinary performances. Please encourage the drummer so he will be able to beat the drum as many times as possible. E-jin: TAZZ will play the drum in the shows in Osaka.
The Song with 90 Thousand Notes
The live streaming of the shows will be viewed on this web site in order for the online audience to know how many beats the drummer has achieved. At the end of each show, the present snare drum beats will be announced.
If the drum beats have reached 90 thousand, a song with 90 thousand musical notes will be released for free downloading.





Frizzle (Lucy)