

A Susumu Hirasawa's fan blog. Unofficial translation of song lyrics, twitter and other materials. Feel free to link to these translations or repost with proper credit. But please don't claim them as your own. If you have any questions, contact me at twitter @lucy1205.

Tarazu Lecture on Witness Reports 127 and 138

Tarazu Lecture.
Several months have passed since the last Tarazu Lecture. This is the final volume of Tarazu Lecture because TRZ reached 100 at last. Hyaku Tarazu Sama has done so many different jobs. It is regrettable that I cannot give lectures on all of his works, but it is physically impossible to do so. I suppose it is time to bring down the curtain. 
Well, let me start the lecture. The witness reports number 127 and 138 which were submitted in September are related to each other, so I will give a lecture on both witness reports together.
Now, let's look at the witness report 127 first.
[A photo of a turtle shell: the witness report 127]
"I found a house without a dweller at a beach in early summer. There was nobody in the house during the daytime, so I can't help but doubt if Hyaku Tarazu Sama has gone through here. Please give a lecture on it."
[A photo of a stone monument with a design of electronic circuit: the witness report 138]
And here is the witness report 138.
It says,
”This is an electronic circuit made of stone, but it lacks a part of it because it has a hole passing through the middle and it does not function successfully. Is this a trace that Hyaku Tarazu Sama went through?”
First of all, I have to tell you something important here. There is no creature called the "turtle" in the world.
[Caption: Important: There is no creature called the turtle. (重要 亀という生物は存在しない)]
The creature you call the "turtle" is actually the "iguana yado-kari" [hermit iguana.(yado-kari: house borrower)] who wears the empty shell of the "akazu-gai clam/closed bivalve" If you hear the word the "hermit iguana", you may have an impression that it is a kind of hermit crab that resembles an iguana, and that there had been a creature called the "iguana" before the "hermit iguana" came into existence. But that's not true.I have to tell you the fact that there is no creature called the "iguana", either, actually.
[Caption: There is no creature called the "Iguana" (イグアナも存在しない)] 
You will understand the reason of it naturally if you study the origin of the name "Iguana". The name iguana originated in the North-Eastern region in Japan. In the old times in a fishing village in the North-Eastern region, they discovered the "yado-kari[house borrower]" who used only the shells from the dead akazu-gai clam[closed bivalves]*1 which other yado-kari[hermit crabs] ignored. They had a behavior that they run to the shells of akazu-gai clams as fast as they can when they find them. That's why it was named "Iku ana[to go to, hole]",
[Caption: Iku ana=to go to, hole (イクアナ=行く穴)]
and it was pronounced "Igu ana" in the local dialect, so the name "Iguana" is said to have become common. Thus, the creature you call the "iguana" is ”iguana yado-kari [house borrower iguana]" who hasn't obtained a shell yet to be precise. Therefore, the "iguana" is just an abbreviated name of it. 
Now, you may raise a question, "The lengths of the tails are different between so-called Iguana who has no shell and the iguana yado-kari[house borrower]" who wears a shell of akazu-gai clam. Therefore, the iguana is iguana, and the turtle is turtle. They are different creatures, aren't they?" Let me explain it briefly. As you can see, there is a ring-shaped bone called "kan-jou-bi-ka-kotsu[ring-shaped tail hanger bone]" is sticking out inside the shell of akazu-gai clam, which is commonly called "o-keke-wappa [tail hanger ring]", 
[Caption: The shell of akazu-gai clam (開かず貝の殻)]
[kanjou-bika-kotsu [ring-shaped tail hanger bone] (o-kake-wappa[tail hanger ring])  環状尾掛骨(尾かけわっぱ) ]
and an iguana yado-kari curls its tail around it to secure its body in the shell of the akazu-gai clam. That's why an iguana yado-kari's tail looks shorter.
[Photo: An "iguana yado-kari in akazu-gai clam shell"]
Therefore, the photo in the witness report 127...
[A photo of a turtle shell: the witness report 127]
is not a house without the dweller who left, but a house waiting for its dweller to come, which is a very big akazu-gai clam shell. Since it has an inscription, "VIP" on its surface,
[A photo of a turtle shell with the letters VIP]
It might be related to some very important person.
I will talk about iguana yado-kari again later. Now, I will talk about the stone electronic circuit.
[A photo of a stone monument with a design of electronic circuit: the witness report 138]
This is something functioning as a basic circuit called "kame[turtle]", which is an argot among the specialists. The name comes from the specialists' wrong knowledge about the animal. You all have learned that the "kame" is actually the "iguana yado-kari". So the correct argot should be "iguana yado-kari".  
In fact, in the missing part in the middle of this circuit, an iguana yado-kari was fitted in. That's why it was called "kame".
[A photo of a stone monument with a design of electronic circuit with a turtle secured in the center]
I said it is a basic circuit, but if I may say more in detail, it is the basic circuit of the Earth.
[Caption: The basic circuit of the Earth(The device to form the basis of the Earth) 地球の基礎回路(地球の土台となる装置)]
This device has decreased in size with the advancement of technology at a furious speed . If you trace the history of its origin, it was inconceivably huge. Now, look at the first model of it.
[The photo: The illustration of " The World Turtle mytheme "*2]
This device was made in the age before electricity was discovered. Also, with no information technology, they had to have such a huge device to support the Earth. Later, the device to support the Earth decreased in size, thanks to the discovery of electricity. As the centuries roll by, it was discovered that a huge iguana yado-kari to support the Earth is not necessary, but only the information of iguana yado-kari is needed. This led to the downsizing of the device to a small circuit like the one in the photo of the witness report. Using the iguana yado-kari secured in the center of the circuit as information and making the function of the circuit enormous, they succeeded in supporting the Earth. Then, why there is no iguana yado-kari any more now, but the Earth has not fallen to the bottom of the universe? I will explain.
Hyaku Tarazu Sama is active in various fields beyond the national boundaries and throughout the ages. He disguises himself as different persons if necessary. One of the people Hyaku Tarazu Sama disguised was Thomas Galen Hieronymus*3. Let me talk about him.
[Caption and a photo: Thomas Galen Hieronymus (トーマス・ガレン・ヒエロニムス) ]
Thomas Galen Hieronymus succeeded in extermination of harmful insects in the distance using the device he had invented. One day however, there was an incident that he could exterminate the harmful insects in the distance when he did not turned the power on. Taking a clue from it, he started to dismount the parts from the machine, and he arrived at a conclusion that he could have the same result with the circuit drawn on paper at last. Later, there are stories that a lot of people exterminated harmful insects with the circuit of Hieronymus drawn on paper. This is the circuit of Hieronymus.
[Caption: The Circuit of Hieronymus (ヒエロニムスの回路)]
Now, one day, Hyaku Tarazu Sama walked by the electronic circuit made with stone. He felt pity for the iguana yado-kari detained in the center of the circuit, so he released it. And he took out a piece of paper from his inside breast pocket, drew the circuit to support the Earth on it, and stowed it away in his pocket again. In other words, Hayaku Tarazu Sama made the circuit to support the Earth into the circuit of Hieronymus, and kept it in his pocket. 
After Hyaku Tarazu Sama released the iguana yado-kari, while he was drawing the basic circuit on the sheet of paper, the basic circuit stopped its function completely for a few minutes. However, the Earth did not fall into the bottom of the universe. Why would that be? I found the answer in an old prophecy book.
[The photo: The illustration of "The World Turtle mytheme in a book, with the turtle replaced with a naked man who is a "raku-tari-ya"*4]
By the way, I have to tell you about a matter of concern now. To tell you the truth, Hyaku Tarazu Sama has been missing after he released the iguana yado-kari from the stone electronic circuit. I heard about the works he did in Europe, and then that he released an iguana yado-kari, but I haven't heard anything about him since then. Where has he gone?
[The music: The song of Urashima Taro*5 is played, with the movie of a small raku-tari-ya man playing the keyboards by his feet.]
(Looking at and listening to the keyboards playing the song,)That may be possible...
*1:  Akazu-gai clam[closed bivalves]: A kind of clam that he imagined. There is no such clams in the real world.
*2: The World Turtle mytheme: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Turtle
*3:  Thomas Galen Hieronymus: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hieronymus_machine
*4:  "Raku-tari-ya": It is explaind in Tarazu Lectures for May #19 and #24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZyNkQylX2w (at 0:58) 
*5: Urashima Taro(浦島太郎): A fisherman in an old Japanese folk tale.
The full song of Urashima Taro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_t0nymEIYs
The animated story of Urashima Taro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQbUkUqlsY0 
The story of Urashima Taro in English: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urashima_Tar%C5%8D
What Mr.Hirasawa is saying is that Hyaku Tarazu Sama was probably invited to Ryugu Palace under the Sea because he released the poor turtle and the King of Ryugu has been entertaining him to express thanks for saving the turtle.





Frizzle (Lucy)